AI News

Spade: An Innovative Approach to Synthesize Assertions for Identifying Errors in Large Language Models

A team of researchers from UC Berkeley, HKUST, LangChain, and Columbia University have developed a new system called Spade that automatically generates tests to identify errors in large language models(LLMs) like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Other…

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Meet POKÉELLMON: A Human-Parity Agent for Pok´emon Battles with Large Language Models

Pokémon battle games have long provided an engaging testbed for developing artificial intelligence agents that can reason and act strategically.  In a new study published on ArXiv, researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology introduce POKÉELLMO…

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Researchers from the Tokyo Institute of Technology Introduce ProtHyena: A Cutting-Edge Protein Language Model Delivering Rapid Precision at Single Amino Acid Resolution

Protein research stands poised for a revolutionary breakthrough with the introduction of ProtHyena, an artificial intelligence system built to analyze amino acid sequences with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. Developed by researchers at the T…

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NExT-GPT: A Groundbreaking Multimodal AI System for Any-to-Any Generation Researchers from the National University of Singapore have developed NExT-GPT, an exciting new AI system capable of multimodal understanding and generation across text, images, audio and video. This technology, presented …

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